Google-drive – How to find out who created a Google Form


I opened a Google Form and can't find it on any of my Google accounts – perhaps a colleague created it.

Students have responded, but I can't find the original to see the responses.

Is there any way of finding out who created the form in the beginning?

Best Answer

If you go to My Drive (any Google page, the 9 square/hashtag symbol, 'Drive'), and then go to Shared with me you can find a list of every Google Document that has been shared with you. The second column in the list shows who shared each item with you. Possibly, the sharer is NOT the owner (someone with edit rights can also have the ability to share a document), but that can at least give you a hint of who else to ask to follow up.

Screenshot of Google Hashtag button

Google Drive Button

Shared with Me showing 'Shared By' column

The other possible problem is that the form for gathering responses and the Spreadsheet for collecting them are two separate documents, so it's entirely possible you currently only have access to the form, but NOT the Spreadsheet.