Google-drive – How to free up space in Google Storage


My google storage recently filled up, mostly because of google photos. I deleted some things in drive and freed up a couple gb, which was somewhat mysteriously used up again within about a week. Since then I've been deleting photos (deleting includes emptying the trash). The problem is that it didn't seem to be freeing up any space. Curious, I checked, deleted some pictures, and checked again. Nothing changed. I figured maybe it took time so I waited. About a week and 2,000 deleted photos later, there was negligible change (the space used actually increased by 10 mb). And to reiterate, I did delete all the files out of trash too. I have no idea what's happening. Does anyone have any idea what's going on?

Best Answer

If your Google Photos storage usage has recently increased, you can see which photos were recently added at . The storage usage would only have increased if they were uploaded in original quality (as opposed to the "high quality" option, which takes up no storage space).

The photos could either have been added by a mobile device that took photos and is signed in to your account, or by someone uploading photos at . On the web app, photos can either be added directly, by uploading them in the browser, or via copying them from Drive storage. Note that copying them from Drive storage duplicates the amount of space they take up.