Google-drive – How to Google Docs and markdown play nice


I love Google Docs. I write notes, essays, correspondences, invoices, journal entries, business ideas, planning documents- everything on there.

I also love the markdown format. I'm a programmer so sometimes I'm in my editor and just want to write things in markdown instead of going to Google Docs.

However, when I save my markdown files in Google Drive, I can't preview them there, which is extremely disruptive to my workflow. Being able to preview markdown files in Google Drive would be a huge improvement.

Is there any way to enjoy the benefits of both Google Docs and markdown? Or are these writing platforms largely incompatible? Any elegant solutions I'm not thinking of?

Best Answer

You can give StackEdit a try. It has a nice integration with Google Drive.

Once you import/export a Markdown document from/to Google Drive, you can open it later directly from Google Drive since StackEdit is integrated as a third party editor/viewer application.

You can find StackEdit as a Chrome application as well on the Web Store.

NOTE: I'm the developer of StackEdit.