Google Slides – How to Import a Vector Drawing


Google Slides adds an annoying amount of compression on my imported images. I want to avoid compression so I want to upload my schematics in a vector format. I can basically export myself to any vector format possible.

How do I do this in Google Slides?

Best Answer

In case you still have this issue or for others and for future reference, there is a way to do this through the later versions of Microsoft Power Point.

  1. Save your vector graphics in .svg preferably. If they were produced using Adobe Illustrator, don't forget to outline your text (Ctrl/Command + Shift + O), and Strokes, as well as make Compound. Paths of the shapes like circles and rounded squares etc.
  2. Import your svg in a Power Point presentation through the standard Insert Image option.
  3. Right click on the image and select Convert to Shape.
  4. Save the Power Point and proceed to your Google Slides document.
  5. Select File > Import Slides, upload you PP presentation, select the slide with the image.
  6. You can now select, copy, and paste the vector version of your image as if it had been done with shapes in Google Slides :)