Google Docs – How to Link to Revision History

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When I load revision history in Google Docs, it does not change the URL. Is it possible to link to a history entry in Google Docs?

Best Answer

In Google Sheets (but not Docs) I was able to get a permalink for a particular from/to revision pair.

  1. While in the Google Sheet, enable your browser's developer tool
  2. In the Sheet, select File -> See Revision History
  3. Click on the appropriate Revision in the Revision History panel
  4. Review the developer tool "network" feature for a request that looks similar to this...

    • if you are feeling lucky, you can try changing the values of fromRev and rev to show the difference between other revisions.
    • this URL is sufficient to share as a permalink
  5. If you want to make the permalink page view a bit more userfriendly, make these changes.
    • change /revisions to /notify
    • change sid= to s= https:///

You can see a video of this process here.