Google-drive – How to move photos from Google Drive to Google Photos


I have a lot of photos in Google Drive, in random folders.

I want to move them to Google Photos, because I really like the phone/tablet application – while the web app is… less good.

I have no idea how to do that. I moved them to some magical folder in Google Drive called "Google Photos". I have no idea what that folder does – it seems to be auto-synced with Google Photos in the way Google Photos app -> Google Photos folder, but not the other way (folder -> app) – nothing I put there appears in the actual Google Photos app.

How do I put the photos there? There are both in Google Drive, I can see both "Google Photos" and my old photos in Google Drive web app, but I cannot move them there no matter how much I try.


In this confusing help article which makes the relation between Google Drive and Google Photos even less clear, Google tells me to click on "search" and then "Google Drive". That produces "No results" on both android app and web app.

Best Answer

While on Google Photos click Upload, (probably upper right corner), then click "Google Drive". If for some reason that didn't work, just read this short official Google help made to answer this exact question, it will tell you what's wrong.

If after clicking upload "google drive" doesn't show up, It's probably because your account is work/school. One workaround is to share the photos to a non-educational account, and follow the method given at the beginning of this answer.