Google Drive – How to Link Directly to a Specific Page of a PDF


I'd like to provide a link to a PDF document in Google Drive like [documenturl]?page=4 and have that link jump to the specified page.

With a quick search, I was only able to find this unresolved forum question: Link to a specific page in an uploaded .pdf

Best Answer

A work-around that I discovered for this is:

  1. Create a comment on the PDF. Highlight the area that you want to be able to jump to (e.g. a heading on the page).
  2. Click the 3-dot menu on the comment you just created, and choose "Link to this comment..."

You can send the displayed URL to someone and when they open it it will directly jump to that part of the PDF.

The solution by Christopher Harwood does not seem to work any more in the latest version of Google Drive.