Google Drive – How to Open the Folder of the File Being Edited


It used to be that if I clicked the white icon with the colored background in the top-left, it would take me to my folder on Google Drive.

Google Docs header

Now it takes me to these worthless links:

If it navigated me back to the folder, I would know exactly where to go to find the next file I need, instead of having to search for it by whichever one of these dumb search options Google gives us. How about sort by "Folder" instead of "Last modified", "Last edited by me", "Last opened by me", and "Title"?

Oh, they give me a link to the Drive though, a useless link to the root:

Google Docs menu

But that's rhetorical. Onto my actual question. Can I disable these pages and have that link take me back to the Google Drive folder like it used to? Is there a new way to navigate back to the Google Drive folder?

Best Answer

Good news! Google has listened and re-added the ability to open the folder that your document is in, just click the little folder icon:

"This item is in" folder link