Google-drive – How to remove duplicate shortcut folders without erasing originals


We are sharing a google drive folder in the office, somebody moved the primary folder and somehow became the owner of it and all it's contents. When transferring ownership of the folder and subfolders back to me, both the main folder and subfolders appeared in the root of my drive:

> Folder > Subfolder 1
         > Subfolder 2
> Subfolder 1
> Subfolder 2

I want to remove the duplicate subfolders from the root, but if I do they instantly disappear from the main folder. I have tried everything but I can't understand how to delete the duplicates.

Any ideas on how to do this?

Best Answer

Best answer here... Thank you so much for posting this. It was driving me crazy. I just clicked on the folder and under details, it shows all the "locations" and each location has an "X" next to it. You can remove it from any of the "locations" on this screen. See my screenshot:

Drive Details Snapshot