Google Drive Search – How to Search Based on Part of a File Name


I'd like to be able to find all files in my Google drive that contain the string "_INSTRUCTION_" in the file name. Is there a way to do this?

When I search for "RMA2013", I should get a dropdown with several options. As you can see, there are several Word and .pdf files with the phrase "RMA2013". Still I get no dropdown help:
enter image description here

And even if I click the search button, I get nothing:
enter image description here

Best Answer

By request. At the bottom is a file with a ridiculously long name (more even than shown) that includes _INSTRUCTION_ in its name. The top part of the screenshot shows the dropdown that automatically pops up as the search term _INSTRUCTION_ is being entered:

WA62673 example

In my Drive I only created one such file name but where several file names meet the search term the dropdown list expands to show more than one name (for me!).