Google-drive – How to see backups for corporate accounts in Google Drive


I have a personal and a corporate Google account, the corporate being in the domain of my company. When I head to my personal account, I see a tab "backups" in the left side of the page as shown in the below image
enter image description here

from there I can manage the backups made in that account. However, in my corporate account I can't see the backups tab even though I'm perfectly able to backup my data using said account, as shown below

enter image description here

I'm aware that clicking the gear -> "configuration" -> "manage apps" will show me all the apps, but I want to show the "backups" tab of possible.

Is there any way of showing the "backups" tab in a Google Drive corporate account?

Best Answer

If you don't know for sure that you've backed up an application to your G Suite account (i.e. logged in to that Google account when in the app you were trying to back up), it's likely you haven't backed any apps up to that account. For one, if you've only got one WhatsApp number, you can't back up to two Google accounts at the same time, so there isn't a reason to expect that your G Suite account has backed up your WhatsApp account. When there aren't any backups, Google Drive automatically hides that tab.