Google Drive – How to See Hidden Files in Google Drive


Some Android apps use my Google Drive account to backup their data. However, I am not able to see any files. I want to see and download a copy of the backup data.

Are these files hidden? How can I view them from a browser?

I want to store it in my computer which is running Linux.

I found out that these are hidden files. How can I view them?

enter image description here

As you can see in the image, below EGW Writings, it says Hidden app data. I want to see it and download it. Is there a way?

Best Answer

Seems like they can't be accessed from anyone but the app itself:

The user cannot directly access data in the hidden app folders, only the app can access them. This is designed for configuration or other hidden data that the user should not directly manipulate. (The user can choose to delete the data to free up the space used by it.)

The only way the user can get access to it is via some functionality exposed by the specific app.


EDIT (thanks Ruben) See Google documentation: