Google-drive – How to share Entire Google Drive—right click menu with “share” option on “My Drive” not available


I can right click a folder

Can right click a folder

But not the entire drive

but not the entire drive

For my employer, I want to share my entire Google Drive space provided by them. I want to be able to have a direct URL to my whole drive in my email footer. This is so that they can always access my work if I am unavailable.

Research so far:
Already looked for solutions—most say “share the folders” you want to share, but I want everything to be shared. The workaround would be to create a master folder and put everything in that and share it, but I'd prefer the top level “root” of the drive to be shared and specifically I want a direct URL of the whole drive to share to people.

Best Answer

Unfortunately you can't share your entire Google Drive like you can share a folder. Google doesn't treat Drive that way.

Think of your Google Drive storage as a post office. You can give anyone you want access to as many of the individual "boxes" inside the post office lobby as necessary, but you can't give anyone access to the entire building.

The workaround you suggested -- with a shared master folder -- is as close as you can come to sharing the entire contents of your Drive account, with the exception of @MilesMichaelson's idea of sharing credentials (which is definitely NOT recommended).

Once you've shared the master folder, you can easily grab the URL by right-clicking on the folder, selecting Share, and clicking Get shareable link in the upper right corner.