Google-drive – How to share full path of folder in Google Drive


We use Google drive for storing the files of our company and we share files and projects with coworkers, no problem with that.

Imagine my drive like this:


The problem is we have all files structured and ordered in different folders, and when I share a folder, only that's shared, not the full path to the file.

Is it possible to share the full path in an easy way?
This is, only allowing the user to acccess the file or folder I shared, without seeing the others?
If in the above example, if I share SubF2 with the user, The other user should see this structure:


Best Answer

If you share main (Root_Folder) with all users, they will see the full path and the structure of the ordered files and folders. And control sharing permissions for only your personal files and folders.

But for new edits, they will not receive share notification.