Google Drive – Share Entire Contents as Folder in Another Account

google docsgoogle-drive

For example, I have a Google Drive account for my business and a Google Drive account for myself.

Some of the folders in both accounts have the same names (e.g., accounts, pics, documents etc.), which can be confusing.

What I would like to do is have the entire contents of my business account available via a synced folder in my personal account (e.g., just called 'my business').

Is it possible to do this and if so, how do I do it?

Best Answer

The easiest way would be to make a top level folder called "Business" in your business account, and a "Personal" folder at the top level in your personal account

Then place ALL your business folders below "Business" in your business account and similar in your personal account.

Google Drive doesn't really see each folder as separate in that way. Even if a friend of yours shares an "Account" folder with you, and you already have 2 "Account" folders, it won't nest that any differently.

I personally have "" as my top level in my different Google Apps accounts, and I bookmark that page (where I have browsed into that folder) in my toolbar. This seems to be the best solution for me, and at a glance it is very obvious which folder I want.