Google-drive – I have many large folders of photos on Google Drive. How to move them into Google Photos


I've been backing up old photos to Google Drive for a couple of years, and I only just recently found out how amazing Google Photos is (automatically organizes photos, builds albums and animations, etc.).

I'd like to import all of my Google Drive photos into the Google Photos app.

What's the best way to go about accomplishing this?

Best Answer

I did this fairly recently. If you want to make use of the unlimited free storage Google provides for "high quality" photos (meaning that they have been auto resized to 16 megapixels), the you can't import them from Google drive, they need to be downloaded and uploaded again

  1. Install the Google Drive desktop app and sync the photo folders to your disk.
  2. Install the Google Photos Desktop Uploader app, and set it running uploading and resizing.
  3. Leave your PC overnight.
  4. Once you're satisfied that they exist in both places you can delete the drive copy.