Google-drive – In Google Drive, how to search for files that I own and that I’ve shared


I can't seem to figure out how to find the files that I've shared with people. The Google Help page on the topic provides a few clues but the following query is not allowed:

owner:me to:*

but a specific target is valid:


Any clues?

Best Answer

Unfortunately, there is no parameter to what is described. What you could do instead is make use of Google's logic system, primarily used in search queries.

owner: me OR OR ...

...And continuing to do so with every person on your contacts list/who you've shared things with. No easy way to go about, as far as I know.

Explanation of Google logical operators

  • OR is a search operator that can be used multiple times. It asks Google to search for either a OR b.

  • AND is a search operator that can be used multiple times. It asks Google to search for both a AND b -- redundant as Google automatically does this with a search query like Green Jeans.

There are more that are, as far as I can tell, are only relevant in the search engine.