Google Docs – Is It Possible to Add Creative Commons Embed?

google docsgoogle-drivehtml

I've written some basic training manuals using Google docs, and would like to release them under a creative commons license. I plan to use the Google drive "Publish" feature to release it to the web, because it is not possible for me to post the document anywhere.(Don't ask why)

The problem comes when I found out that Google docs has removed the option to edit HTML. This means that I can't embed the Creative commons license tag.

I have already tried exporting the document as HTML, adding the Tag, and then uploading it back to Gdocs. It completely ignored the extra HTML. So now I'm stuck.

What can I do to accomplish this?

Best Answer

There really is no way to do this as it stands right now. What I would suggest is adding a link to the Creative Commons license that you are using in the footer (or header), and that should be good enough.