Google-drive – Is it possible to recursively share folders (with all their content) in Google Drive


Say I have a folder on my Google Drive, which contains some files. If I share this folder with someone else (either as an editor or as a viewer), it will appear to them by default as an empty folder. They will only see the files I explicitly share with them. Conversely, if I delete someone from the list of collaborators on said folder, they will still have access to every file they could access before.

Of course, when I have to share many folders containing many files and even sub-folders with even one person, this becomes unwieldy.

Is there any way to recursively share a folder and all of its children objects in Google Drive?

Best Answer

From a comment by Maxim:

Currently (2016.08), if I share a folder with another person, all files inside this folder get shared as well, but not the subfolders. In other words, Google Docs sharing it is not recursive, indeed, (though not in the way @Fibonacci described this).