Google-drive – list multiple folders in Google Drive in Search Results if I know their IDs


If I have a folder with ID (obtained from URL): ABCD and I type in the search form of Google Drive:


I get all files & folders that reside in that folder.

However can I do something like parent:ABCD ids:EFGH,IJKL and get all files & folders within ABCD that have ids of EFGH & IJKL?

Best Answer

I could not find any information about searching by file's id, however I made the names unique throughout the specified folder in parent, so I can do:

(title:("Unique Folder Name 1"|"Unique Folder Name 2")) parent:ABCD

So it searches for files & folders that have exactly: Unique Folder Name 1 or Unique Folder Name 2 in their names and they are in parent with id ABCD.