Google-drive – Mount Google Docs as OS folder/disk


I use Google Docs on a regular basis and, although I find it plenty usable for local formats, there are a bunch of documents not in docs format (like XSD, DTD, Microsoft Project files, …) for which I have to download, which I really find annoying.

So, is there a way to "mount" Google Docs as a "network share", or any other OS-level architecture?

Best Answer

(NOTE: This answer only applies to Windows; the process may vary and/or may not be possible on other OSs.)

I have my Google Drive folder mapped as my "G:" drive, which makes navigating to and referencing my synced Drive files and folders a cinch compared to having to go through my user folder.

As Al E. mentioned in his answer, you will need to download Google Drive for your PC to sync to/from a folder. Once you have that all set up, the subst command should do the trick as far as mapping a local folder such as your Google Drive folder as a drive. However, just using subst in the Command Prompt is only a temporary measure, as all "subst'd" drives are unmounted upon reboot.

To keep your subst'd drives between sessions, you should use Visual Subst, which is a simple, free, and lightweight yet highly nifty application that makes mounting local folders as drives really easy AND automatically remounts them at the start of a new session (if you so choose).