Google-drive – Multiple references to the same footnote in a Google doc

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How do I add multiple references to the same footnote in Google Docs?

When adding footnotes the usual way (selecting Insert > Footnote in the menu), a new footnote is created every time. But if I want to refer to the same written explanation or bibliographical source multiple times, there's seemingly no way to do that.

Example (what I want to achieve)

  • How do supplier evaluations1 typically happen?
  • What criteria for selection, evaluation og re-evaluations1 are typically used?

rest of page

1 ISO 9001:2008: 7.4.1 Purchasing Process

While I understand this is "bad style" (…) I think this way of referencing makes it obvious to the reader that the same source is being referenced multiple times, and she/he doesn't have to move attention down to the bottom of the page in order to see what is referenced every time.

Best Answer

To keep using the automatic footnote option, manually add 'a' to the first ref. using the superscript function under the format tab. Then manually label the second ref. '1b'. This way your footnotes will not be out of sequence when you continue to use the auto footnote tool.