Google Docs – How to Open .XLXS File

google docsgoogle-drive

I can't seem to figure it out. I thought Google Docs supported all the doc file extensions… Was I wrong?

In any case, how can I convert it to an extension Google Docs support? Without downloading Microsoft Office 2011.

I've found guides online, but they're all for .XLSX and others, also some for .XLXS but none of them work.

Best Answer

I figured out the problem. Thanks @Dorje for your help, gave me a hint. :)

The problem was with the file's file extension, it ended with .xlxs, that was the name Microsoft Office 2011 gave it, so I thought it was correct.

I renamed the file with a .xlsx extension, and when I uploaded it again it was correctly encoded in the new language.

For anybody with this problem in the future, the problem is the file extension. :)