Google-drive – Organize Google Drive files in a two dimensional grid


I have a collection of documents on Google Drive. Each document relates to one attendee at a specific event. Currently I have the files organised hierarchically in a folder, with paths like this:


But conceptually the files are better described by a sparse two dimensional grid, where the event is one axis and the attendee another. More practically, I would like to be able to list files both based on the event and the attendee, like this:


Is there any way to mimic this functionality on Google Drive?

Perhaps using some kind of metadata or shortcuts?

The best solution I was able to come up with was using "Add to…" and parallel folder hierarchies, but that gives me rather verbose names since I cannot change the name in just one location:

[Eventname]/[Eventname - Attendee]
[Attendee]/[Eventname - Attendee]

Any other suggestions?

Best Answer

Google Drive is able to have files in more that one folder at the same time. Just use the "Add to" keyboard shortcut. For details see: