Google Drive PDF – How to Save a Document as PDF Using Google Cloud Print in Chrome


If you click on Print button (or Ctrl+p)
you would see print page where you can select the printer.

Among other, local printers there is an option: Print with Google Cloud Print

by clicking of which you would see your Cloud Print printers.

But there also an option (on that Cloud Print printers selection popup)
called: Save to Google Drive (Save your document as a PDF in Google Drive)

When you click on that option the Print button would become available which should mean that the document is ready to be saved as PDF on Google Drive. However, after clicking on print button it thinks a little bit and the popup closes. Normally I was expecting that the doc is successfully saved in Google Drive, while, in fact, it wasn't.

I am using the latest (just upgraded: 12 July 2012) Google Chrome on Linux

I don't understand what I did wrong.

Best Answer

It doesn't show up, but if you search for the document you can find it in Google Drive. It seems like a bug to me...

To see what it was saved as, try visiting here: