Google Drive Search – How to Search for Files in Google Drive Owned Externally


I'm working on transferring one of our teams in our Google Apps for Education domain to Google Team Drive but I'm running into a problem with files owned externally. A little background and elaboration:

Our organization hires seasonal employees that make use of and edit a shared curriculum, to try and limit ownership issues with such a high turnover rate we used a 'shared' account. For example This account owns the vast majority of the documents in it's drive but occasionally employees have created documents using their personal gmail accounts. When I try to migrate's folders and files to Team Drive I get an error because some of the files aren't in my domain.

I'm trying to find a way to search for these files so I can either copy them or delete them prior to transferring folders to Team Drive. Also open to other suggestions

Best Answer

If you set as project policy that all project files should be owned by then search for

This will return all the files that are not owned by the specified email address. Bear in mind that there are several other search operators that you could use to build your query and that now it's possible to limit the search to a specific folder by using the search within a folder search feature.
