Google Drive – How to Selectively Remove or Disable Syncing Documents on Chrome

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I have installed the Google Docs app (extension) on Google Chrome (v43.0.2357.65 (Official Build) beta (64-bit) on Ubuntu Linux 14.04), and enabled offline sync on my Google Drive account. Offline editing and sync for Docs works fine, but I cannot find a way to remove a synced document from my local Chrome app (for example, I would like to remove from the Docs app, documents that I have finished working with). Is there a way to remove such an already synced document from the local Docs app on Chrome?

Also, is there a way to prevent certain documents from being automatically synced in this way? (e.g. disabling sync for a selected doc on the Chrome app or the Google Drive interface)

Note: I'm not referring to the Drive desktop app, but to the Docs app available via Chrome Web Store.

Best Answer

Short Answer

No, there isn't.

Long Answer

The Google Docs app available via the Chrome Web Store actually works as a shortcut or bookmark to the web app.

The Google Docs offline capability, is actually a feature of the Google Drive web app. It requires Chrome to work, but not the Google Docs Chrome extension.

There isn't a way to select with files or folders will be synced.

Access your files offline - Drive Help