Google Drive – Shared Drive Option Missing


I'm trying to setup a shared drive using Google Workspace. I found the following page in the Learning Center:

Set up a shared drive

Here I see the following image:

New Shared Drive

When I click the link to open Google Drive, as is written on that page, I don't see anything about shared drives. I can create a new folder, new document etc., but that's it. I'm probably missing a setting somewhere, but it's not clear to me how to get this working.

This is what I see:

Google Drive New Map

How can I create a shared drive in Google Drive?

Update: It appears something is wrong with my account. I see shared drives in other accounts, not in mine. However, when I create a shared drive and limit access to it by user, it appears in my account.

Best Answer

Not all editions of G Suite / Google Workspace have included Shared Drives.

From What are shared drives?

Supported editions for this feature: Business Standard and Plus; Enterprise; Education and Enterprise for Education; Nonprofits; G Suite Business; Essentials. Compare your edition

If your account edition supports this feature, report this issue to your admin. If you are the admin verify that it's enabled and turned on for you.
