Google Drive – Share File for Editing Without Google Account


I just created a file in Google Drive and made it "editable by anyone with the link". However, if I open the link in another browser where I'm not logged in Google, I seem unable to edit the file (I can see it though). Is it standard behaviour or have I made any mistake? An if it's standard, can I change it somehow so that all my collaborators (even those without Google account) can edit the file?

This is the form for setting the permissions:

enter image description here

This is what I see in an other browser when I use the "Link to share" link (click to enlarge):

enter image description here

The document when I open it in the other browser (I didn't manage to make a screenshot of the File/Soubor menu, but all menu items like "Open" or "Edit" are disabled):

enter image description here

Best Answer

enter image description here

Are you sure your Sharing settings look like these? I've just created a document and edited it without any troubles (created with my google account and edited using different browser - not logged in).