Google-drive – Size and MD5 hash of files on Google Drive


According to the Google Drive SDK, the size and MD5 hash of files is available through the API. Each resource (file) has an md5Checksum and a fileSize:

md5Checksum (string): An MD5 checksum for the content of this file. This is populated only for files with content stored in Drive.

fileSize (long): The size of the file in bytes. This is populated only for files with content stored in Drive.

How can I access them through Google's web interface? I'd like to avoid coding my own interface just for this.

Best Answer

There seem to be no way through Google Drive's interface (yet), however for a quick manual way you can use Google OAuth 2.0 Playground to call the Drive APIs List Files service and get the md5Checksum. I needed this to verify that some personal large file I uploaded got there properly, hence the answer is not exactly tailored for development purposes.