Google-drive – Tagging or Labelling System For Google Drive


Whats the closest to or best options for 'tagging' or 'labeling' files in Google Drive. Similar to how 'labels' work in Gmail ideally.

I guess will be via an add-on.

Ideal features include

  • renaming tags
  • advanced searching with tags

I understand Google Drive used to have tags but removed them.

Is there any way to do this?

Best Answer

Use folders. As occurs with Gmail tags, a file in Google Drive could "have" several folders (to save a file to multiple folders use Shift + z).

  • Folders could be renamed
  • It's possible to search for files in a folder.

By the way, if you are using a G Suite account, another alternative is to use Workspaces.

For further details please read Organize your files in Google Drive