Google-drive – The spellchecking window partially covers the slide in Google Drive Presentations

google-drivegoogle-slidesuser interface

The spellchecking window partially covers the slide. This sometimes leads to situations when the word being corrected is occluded by the spellcheck window. The window is fixed and cannot be moved away.

enter image description here

This would be solved if I could move the slide to the left. I have a widescreen monitor so there is enough space to do that.

Best Answer

Your problem is caused by an over-sized browser setting. Try pressing the following short cut:

+0 (command & zero) : To reset to original/default setting.

If this doesn't work or if you are not satisfied by the result, try:

+- (command & minus symbol): to decrease, or
++ (command & plus symbol): to increase the size

PS: to be precise, this setting changes the font size of the browser.

PS2: if you use a Windows Machine, just substitute the with the Ctrl.

PS3: to have this problem solved completely, you should Report it to Google. Go to Help > Report an Issue