Google-drive – Transfer ownership from the personal Google Drive account to Google Suite for Education


In my personal Google Drive I have a folder and we are migrating to Google Suite for Education. From my personal user I shared that folder to my new Google Suite user with no problem.

I want to transfer the property (ownership) to my GSuite user so that I could then delete the folder and free up the space of my Personal Drive. I get an error message:

We are sorry; the property cannot be transferred to "mygooglesuiteaccount". This can only be transferred to a user whose domain is the same as that of the current owner.

Exporting the files from does not help me because the files of sheets, docs, slides are converted to Microsoft Office format and I want to keep the original Google format. Also, downloading the files to re-upload them with the other user, implies to lost the sharing information.

Did anyone have / have the same problem?
Thank you in advance.

Best Answer

As the error message says, there is no way to transfer files between accounts from different domains but you could make copies using your G Suite account.

The basic steps are:

  1. Using the personal account, share the files from the personal account to the G Suite Account
  2. Using the G Suite account, copy the files
