Google-drive – Transferring files across from restricted Google Drive account


I'm using Google Drive with my organisation account (i.e. not I'm trying to transfer all my files to my personal account ( However, when I go to share everything and change the owner, it comes up with the following warning:

Sorry, cannot transfer ownership to x@gmail. Ownership can only be transferred to another user in the same domain as the current owner.

How can I copy over the files so that they are owned by my personal account? I do not want to have to download them first and upload them again, as I have some files that are linked to apps (i.e. non-downloadable). This post suggests using Google Takeout, which my organisation restricts access to, so that's not an option either.

Update (7 Oct 2014)

I am able to copy regular files by option dragging them and following Tzunki's method. However I am not able to copy over my Coggle files, and I presume this applies to other google drive apps also.

Best Answer

Unfortunately, Google does not allow you to transfer ownership between domains (and it considers its own domain as well). There are ways to create copies (and alternative ways), but to answer the question of accomplishing a true transfer across domains, you can't.

I strongly desire to have Google invalidate this answer (or some clever hacker find a workaround) at some point in the future, and when that happens, I will gladly delete this answer.