Google-drive – Two types of Markdown files (?) in Google Drive


I noticed that in my Google Drive, some Markdown files are marked with a blue icon and are indexed:

MD files in Google Drive

Those with the icon of StackEdit (which is no longer even integrated into my Drive) are not indexed and don't even have the option Open With > Google Docs when I right-click them.

What's different about the files? And how do I "fix" all of them to be blue? Missing indexing on most of my text content is a bit of a pain.

Best Answer

If you look at the file details for the blue-icon Markdown files and the non-blue-icon files, they probably have different file types. Below are two .md files; the first was saved in Windows Notepad and uploaded, and the second was created in Google Docs.

enter image description here

enter image description here

It seems like different programs save Markdown files different ways. It may just vary depending on the program.