Google Drive Backup – How to Automate Local Backup Using CLI Tool


Is there is a way for me to copy/back up me Google Drive contents to my local machine?

Ideally, the solution would have these features (in order of priority):

  • Runs on OS X/Linux in a headless (CLI/command-line) way, so it can be easily automated.

  • Converts the Google Docs files to MS Office/OpenOffice equivalents during the backup (currently, the Google Drive client does not synchronise the content offline in a way that can be usefully used without Google Docs).

  • Backs up all documents, not just the non-Google Docs ones.

  • Performs a "delta" backup, pulling down only the changes since the last backup.

Best Answer

@Andrew, I would recommend Insync - it's a client-based sync tool that runs on many OSes, including many Linux distros. It will cost you a very reasonable $15 one time - there's no recurring fee. It meets all your other requirements, including backing up the delta of the entire contents of the drive.

Check out their page for Linux and their CLI reference page.