Google Drive – Upload Photos/Videos Without Syncing


I have a lot of photo's and video's I wish to upload to my Google Drive**

I don't want to sync them, because that means I have a local copy AND a copy in the cloud. (And if I delete the local copy, then it syncs with the cloud and deletes that item from the cloud)

I don't want to BACKUP all of this stuff because that generally means that, if I wish view them in the cloud, i need to RESTORE the data to my local and then view them.

It's like i want to FTP my files up to my Google Drive and access them via a browser.

Can this be done?

** If google drive can't do this – is there another option?

Best Answer

Sure you can by whitelisting which folders you want to sync.

Though, I am not aware of any "blacklisting" approach with Google Drive (i.e "not sync selected folders").

If you're looking for other solutions, you can try some other services such as Bitcasa or BackBlaze.