Google-drive – What does the last part of a Google Drive read-only file URL mean

google docsgoogle-drive

I have a Google drive URL that is

Can someone please explain what the part


means? I am building something that connects to the Google Drive but I need to know what this part is.
The initial 13 characters are the user id constant for a user

Best Answer

Short Answer

The part after the last slash of a file's URL that is hosted in Google Drive of Google Editors could vary depending if the URL has the purpose to be used to share the file to someone without a Google account, the format to be used to publish the content to the web and include parameters to modify how the content will be published or displayed.

Additional details

Instead of filenames for URL Google Drive and Docs editors uses a "file key" so if the user changes the filename the URL still works.

The "file key" is between the last two slashes [/]. The part after the last slash could vary depending if the URL has the purpose to share the file to someone without a Google account, the format to be used i.e. to publish the content to the web and include parameters to modify how the content will be published or displayed.

/view for previewing a file in a web browser
/preview for embedding file in a HTML web page
/edit for editing a file
/pubhtml is used when a document, spreadsheet or slide is published to the web.
/pub is used when a drawing is published as image


For web site hosting is possible to use filenames in URLs but this require that file are in a public folder.


Publish web site content - Drive REST API