Google Drive – Does Moving a File to an Inner Folder Affect Access?


Let's say I have a shared folder called "Big Folder" and there is a file called "Hello" in "Big Folder".

I create a new folder, called "Small Folder" inside "Big Folder".

When I move "Hello" into "Small Folder", Google Drive tells me:

Moving this item will share it with everyone who can see the shared
folder "Small Folder". You are moving an item out of a shared folder
"Big Folder", so people will lose access.

  1. Will anyone actually lose access?
  2. Is there any way to have a folder inside another folder where people do have access to the outer folder, but not the inner folder?

EDIT: Question 2 can be answered here. I am still curious about question 1.

Best Answer

By default sharing a folder in Google Drive (in your case "Big Folder") - any file or folder inside it (in your case "Small Folder") is shared with the same people.

Therefore, if you have not changed settings, everything you move from "Big Folder" to "Small Folder" will be shared the same. And no one will lose access.

But if you have changed the sharing settings of "Small Folder" which is in "Big Folder", you will need to check with who it is shared, and re-configure accordingly.