Google-drive – Why can’t I keep local Google docs to use offline when using syncing

google docsgoogle-drivesynchronization

I want to sync most of my files. But there are some files that I don't want to sync up to the Google server. But I still want the ability to open them locally on my hard drive via the local Google browser which would open them in Google format they were created with.

It seems Google only gives you 3 choices:

  1. sync them and have available on both sides,
  2. delete files if you don't want them to sync,
  3. keep the files on the server side only.

How do you reverse option #3 by keeping locally only, but NOT on their server side?
Seems they don't allow that option?

Best Answer

Google doesn't have offline editor as of now as a standalone app. So you have to use online editor only. But using Chrome you can view and edit files offline. Check it out.