Google-drive – Why can’t I search Google Drive for text within the Google Docs in it

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I was discussing with a colleague the option of using Google Docs as a wiki system. I quickly tested adding several docs with dummy text in it. However when I searched for that text in the overall Google Drive search bar. I got 0 results back. Is there a way to fix this?

I tried the quotes option and the advanced search option. Both fail.
Here is the actual text I'm searching for

text being searched for shown in document

and here is the search:

search results

advanced search doesn't change much:
advanced search results

Best Answer

While Google does index the contents of Google Docs to make them searchable, they do not index partial search terms. I suspect this would require a lot more resources on their part.

It looks like you searched for an incomplete term and expected a match with the complete term. Including "fail" as part of your search won't match when the term in your document is "failed".

I've run into this issue while searching in other Google Apps (Gmail, Sites, etc.) as well and gotten this answer from Google Apps Support.