Google-drive – Why the Google Drive Usage Statistics are not getting updated


I am trying to create space in my Google Drive by deleting files but my usage statistics are still showing that my quota is almost used up.
I deleted all my files in Google Drive and emptied trash; I deleted all my Gmail messages that are greater than 10Mb in size and emptied Spams and Trash.
After this, I checked my storage at and found that only 6% of my free 15Gb is used (check image below).

enter image description here
However if return to google drive, I still get that more than 50% of my space is used.

enter image description here
What can I do? I desperately need at least 12Gb free space in my Google Drive.

Best Answer

Go to this link and get in touch with Drive Support, I'm sure they'll take care of it. There are chat and call options available. Hope this helps.