Google-forms – Customize the “other” box of a Google form


I have a Google form and I want the "Other box" of a multiple-choice question to say something other than “Other”. For example:

Other programs:[                     ]

How to do it, if this is possible at all?

Best Answer

Google forms do not appear to offer such customizability.

But it's possible to directly modify the HTML file provided by the form, and use the modified file instead of the form. Such restyling process is described in this tutorial, and the Sneaky Sheep tool might make it easier. Here is a brief description.

  1. Create the form
  2. Go to Live Form
  3. Right click the form, pick "View Source", copy-paste the entire source into a text editor.
  4. Replace the relative link near the top

<link href='/static/forms/client/css/....

with absolute link

<link href='

so that it works from any location.

  1. Replace "Other:" with "Other programs" (searching will help locating this string).

  2. Put the HTML form somewhere where your users can access it. If you created it from a spreadsheet, it will still submit data to that spreadsheet.

Limitations of the above approach:

  1. Works only for single-page forms.
  2. If multiple responses are allowed, the standard page shown on submission will have a link to original form, not to your customized version. This can be worked around: search the source for "form action" and change the URL to your custom confirmation page.