Google-forms – Google Forms quiz submit ONLY when ALL correct


I would like to use Google Forms to create a simple 5 question multiple choice quiz.

When the user has selected their answers and clicked Submit I would like to display immediate feedback on the same page. They should not be able to proceed until all of the answers are correct.

So let's say they answer 1 – 4 correct but 5 is incorrect, I'd like to display message along the lines of;

Are you sure? Try again.

Once they select the correct answer for number 5, they can then proceed to submit the form and the results are recorded as normal.

Basically, I don't want to record the results until all of the questions have been answered correctly.

Is this possible?

Best Answer

What you are asking for, cannot be achieved using Google Forms.

(You could probably try using GAS but that is a completely different "ball game")

As an alternative

You could achieve what you ask for but only on a per question/section basis.

Please have a look at this TEST FORM I prepared for you.