Google Forms – How to Change Default Text on Submit Button


Can somebody please tell me how to change text on the Submit button in Google Forms?

Please note:

  • I am referring here to the standard Google Forms, the one's that
    anyone can setup in Google Drive by clicking on the New button and
    then selecting Google Forms in the drop down menu.

  • I am not referring to the more complex Google forms which require
    Google Scripting knowledge to setup. I mention this because I have
    searched the online lots for the answer to my question and several
    times the setText('text button') function has been mentioned. From
    what I can see this only applies to the these more complex customised
    forms. If that's not correct and I can use this function to get the
    job done, then please explain how.

  • This question is also frequently confused with how do I change the
    "Thank you for submitting details" text after the form is submitted.
    This is not what I am looking for.

  • Here is a link to a standard Test Google Form, just asking for Name
    and Email address. I have changed the access type to anyone with
    link. So if it's easier to do the edit, instead of trying to explain
    how to do it, please do so on this form.

Best Answer

The short answer is: You can't do that using Google's form builder.

The longer answer is that you can copy the form's HTML code and host it on your own website. That HTML code may then be modified to have the button display any text you'd like.
Copying and hosting the HTML code does have its drawbacks. If you edit the form from Google's form builder, the copied HTML code will of course not be updated, so you'd have to copy and mofiy it again.

See this article from for how to copy and host the HTML code. Note that in this article, they are using Google Drive to host their customised HTML. That feature is not available in new Google Drive, so you will have to host your HTML somewhere else.

I have created a demo form here:

I have searched the online lots for the answer to my question and several 
times the setText('text button') function has been mentioned. From what I can 
see this only applies to the these more complex customised forms. If that's 
not correct ...

No, you are correct.