Google-forms – How to make a short answer response into a question


I want to survey some beliefs of people. I am asking them to enter some beliefs, and then rate the percent at which they believe it.

Later in the form, I plan to test how much they believe these beliefs after an experiment. I also plan to have them select things (checkboxes) that relate to their belief.

The issue is that I can't predefine what they will put in the short answer, but I need a way to refer to their previous answers and ask specific questions about them.

How can I do this?


  • What did you learn this year?
    — "I learned X, y, z."
  • What else?
    — "I also learned a, b and c."

  • How much do you believe x, y, and z?"
    — "5/10"

  • what about a, b, and c?
    — "7/10"

Later in the survey:

Here are possible truths relating to a, b, and c. select the correct ones:
"d, f, g"

Best Answer

I need a way to refer to their previous answers and ask specific questions about them.

Google Forms doesn't include a way to refer to previous answers. You could ask for a Software Recommendation on