Google Groups – Enable Posting by Email


I am participating in a Google Group, and it is not possible to post by email:

Delivery to the following recipient failed permanently:

Technical details of permanent failure:
The group does not allow posting through email.

Is there some documentation online that explains how to enable posting by email, and that I can send to the Group's owner?

Best Answer

Post by Email or by Web

  • Information > General information > Posting options > Allow posting by email
  • Information > General information > Posting options > Allow users to post to the group on the web

Should Message be Available on The Web?

  • Information > Content control > Archive options > Archive messages to the group

Contact Owners by Email

  1. Permissions > Access Permissions > Contact the owners of this Group > Public
  2. See "Post by Email" point above (required too).

Change Group Type / Reset All Options

Information > Advanced > Reset group > Select a group type

P.S. The official documentation seems to lack this topic.