Google Groups – Recover Lost Ownership After Invitation Expired


I started a Google Group in June and then got busy with other things and haven't done anything with it since. It seems like I've lost ownership of the group and I don't know how to get it back. In the inbox of my group account, there was this email:

enter image description here

When I clicked on the "Accept this Invitation" button, I was told that the invitation had expired. Now I don't have ownership of the group anymore. How can I get it back, or at least create an all new group with the same name? I had only invited three members, so that's easy enough to recreate.

There was also another email I received:

enter image description here

I have permission to "visit" and "email" the group, but not "change settings" or "invite more users". If I try to do either of those things, I'm told that I don't have the permissions and need to contact an owner. But as far as I can tell, my group does not currently have an owner that has ownership privileges.

Best Answer


At this time Google Groups have implemented features to prevent that a group be without at least one owner, so if you are sure that you have the owner role and can't access your group as owner, try one of the following:

  1. launch your browser in private browsing mode,
  2. sign out of your Google account and sign in again
  3. clear the cache and delete the cookies
  4. use another browser that you didn't use to access your Google account.

Content at the time that this answer was accepted

As LMcKin51- Google apps-Top Contributor said:

First of all, I'll need to make sure you are accessing your Groups with the correct email account. If your account is correct, have you asked the other owner if by any chances he deleted your ownership from the Group?

Also, have in mind that a Group always need to have an owner.

Let me know how it goes.

and if you using an non account and if you haven't created a Google account for it create one here then you be able to Manage your group.

If you can't recall the account you can try using the recovery tools that Google provides to remember the username

I just tried to remove myself from a group, but I can't.

Attempt to remove the owner role from my own account
You cannot remove all the owners

Attempt to abandon the group Cannot remove sole owner