Google-groups – Google groups replies to group email, not the sender


I created a few groups so that we can have customer send an email to a general email address and several us can see/respond to the email. However, when I click 'reply' on any email that is sent to the group email address, it sets the group email as the "to:" field instead of the person that sent the email.

I've tried updating the group advanced settings (settings > email options > post replies dropdown), but nothing seems to have changed. Is there something I can do so that when someone emails me I can click reply to reply to them?

Best Answer

I am no expert (I only came on here to find an answer to my newbie Google Groups question myself), but I did notice earlier today that in the "Permissions -> Posting Permissions" menu, there is an item "Reply to author", which can take different settings, so it might be worth checking that is set to "All members of the group" also?