Google-groups – How to auto-send a message in Google Groups (e.g., on request to join)


I help manage a large Google group (consumer, not business). We migrated the group from Yahoo Groups about a month ago.

We have a screening process for new members. When someone asks to join, we want them to automatically get a short questionnaire. If they pass the screening process, we confirm them. Otherwise, we don't.

In Yahoo groups, we could send automatic messages on various events, such as Request to Join. I cannot find a parallel function in Google Groups.

Does anyone know of a way to do this? The solution could be some tool that checks periodically for new Join Requests or something that extracts the email address from the email the owners get or … (something else).

Best Answer

When someone asks to join, by visiting the group /join URL, you already have the option of requiring them to answer a question that you setup in Permissions / Basic Permissions.